Gambar Hiasan

Gambar Hiasan
Reminder to hold the petrol nozzle at all times. You guys don't be lazy.
Always hold onto the nozzle like I did. A friend stopped for petrol at the Petrol Station (the one) at the Lingkaran Highway near Gombak) a little over two weeks ago. This was the first time he patronized a station. As his normal practice elsewhere, he put the nozzle on automatic and stood nearby waiting for his car to be filled up. Suddenly the nozzle flew out of the gas tank opening with petrol spewing out at high speed.
He was sprayed with petrol all over, including his face and eyes (just imagine the pain in his eyes). His companion quickly brought him to toilet to wash his face. After that they reported the incident to the staff and asked to speak to the manager. The manager refused to see them. He only instructed the staff to take our friend to the hospital.
According to the staff that was not the first time the nozzle came out of the tank while customers are filling up petrol. But our friend's incident was the worst. The top layer of his right eye was damaged and the area around his eye burnt. His eye had to be bandaged for 10 days. He was not so lucky his eyesight was badly affected and became blind. Apparently the nozzle was lighter than normal and the speed of the petrol created a backward thrust that pushed the nozzle out of the tank.
So please be careful. Share this info with your friends, family & relatives .......
14 ulasan:
Salam AZ,
Thank you for the info, hubby akak rajin sangat lepaskan nozzle tu, lepas ni nak cakap ngan dia case ni, tapi kan org lelaki ni tak nak dgr sangat cakap isteri, sama dgn hp , banyak x , tak nak ikut jugak.
Sian dia ye az, tak pasal2 jadi macam tu.
Salam KS,]
kalau hubby x mahu dengar caap isteri, isteri kena banyak2 doa, insya Allahmesti dia dengar tuh. hhehehe
memnag kesian.
sebenarnya az pun sama, heheheh. lepas ni tak mahu lepaskan lagi.
tapi bila pikir, mesti ada yang silap dengan noozle tu
Salam AZ,
Thanks so much for the info. It good for reading. Alamak tercakap omputih plak huhu..
Sy pun suka laa buat cam gitu..lepas nie ambil iktibar dari insiden tu..
Salam Sinomosa,
Bukan shima jer gitu, az ingat semua orang yang isi petrol buat lagu tu. hehheh
apa-apa pun kena hati-hatilah. Macam kes telefon dulu tuh kan
salam az
"kemalangan tak berbau" jadi kena berhati2
tapi kemalangan dlm n3 az ni mmg berbau, bau petrol dan boleh dielakkan
Salam az
Sayapun macam tu. Saya yakin majoriti macam tu. Patutnya kena report NIOSH. Mintak Tan Sri Lee Lam Thy siasat. Kalau cara tu bahaya, tak sepatutnya kemudahan tu ada. Nasib baik kat M'sia kalau kat US dah kena saman dah.
salam ayahanda : sebelum tekan nozzle tu, make sure yg nozzle tu betul2 dah tersangkut kat mulut tank tu, baru ler minyak tak tersebur keluar atau nozzle tu terlepas dari tank... hihihi.. pepandai jer aku bg nasihat.. anyway, entry ni sesuwai buat sy..
Saya pun bila isi minyak mmg suka tinggalkan nozzel kat tangki, lepas tu saya pi berdiri jauh2 sebab tak tahan dgn bau petrol. Wap petrol tu bahaya boleh affect lung & jadi cancer...Dilemmalah pulak, nak jaga nozzel ke atau nak jaga lung?
Salam Rezeki,
bau yang boleh menjadikan hidung kita tersedu. hehheh
Salam YB,
satu saranan yang bagus tuh. Pihak berkenaan kena buat sesuatu supaya tidak ada lagi pengguna menjadi mangsa seterusnya.
Salam Afeez,
sungguhlah kata mu afeez, namun bila kita terleka itulah akibatnya.
Salam Ina,
nak jaga dua2lah ina. Nozzle kena jaga, kesihatan pun kena jaga.
Salam AZ,
Menakutkan! Nauzubillah...
Salam Wan,
itu la pasal. So kena hati-hati bila mengisi petrol kereta
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